Squash Coaching Tip 7 – Applying pressure and Transferring the pressure… 

When you are playing and you hear this voice from your team mate, ‘keep the pressure on or you need to apply more pressure,’ what goes through your mind?

I don’t think much because you feel you are doing all you can and still nothing is happening.

I think there are two ways that one can apply pressure. The pressure I am referring to is when you are in position, at the T waiting for your opponent to play the ball and limiting their options.

Pressure can be applied by placing the ball in such a way that your opponents options are limited and their recovery time is reduced. This I would refer to as using the ball to apply pressure. The other method or process is with movement. This is done when you have played a ‘loose’ shot allowing your opponent time to place the ball. The speed at which you get into position will then reverse the pressure to your opponent. They are now under pressure to play a ‘good’ shot.

Having the court craft and the ability to create time on the ball to delay your shot allows you to maintain a certain level of constant pressure on your opponent. This can account to many unforced errors and your opponent tempting to win points by shortening the rallies.

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Happy squash and racquetball matches…

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